Subject: CYC Midwinters - Raft-up and 49ers game
Sent: 2024-01-18 19:43 PST to 70 recipients.
Good evening Race Competitors,
CYC is looking forward to hosting the 72nd CYC MidWinters Regatta. Despite the inclement forecast and strong ebb, we plan to get you a great afternoon of racing and make the kickoff of the 49ers game at the CYC Bar.
There should be plenty of time to raft up and make your way to the clubhouse for some libations while you relive the days racing and enjoy the warm fireplace; just the thing after a day of wet sailing. Chef Chris is putting on a special pasta buffet ahead of the game which is not to be missed.
Make sure you clear the dock and head to the Clubhouse early to secure your seats. We want to present the daily awards ahead of kick-off and not wait until half time, so you can enjoy the game and the CYC hospitality.
See you on the water. Don't forget to sail by the Committee Boat (Knox area) to check-in ahead of the first warning.
Marcus Canestra
CYC Regatta Chair